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Furnace close-up indicating need for replacement in an Indianapolis home

10 Signs You Need a New Furnace in Indianapolis

Keep Your Indianapolis Home Heated All Winter Long

As the frosty winds begin to sweep through Indianapolis, it’s crucial to have a reliable furnace that ensures your home remains a warm haven. At Armor Air, we understand how critical a well-functioning furnace is to your comfort and safety. Here are ten signs that your furnace may need attention, so you can tackle issues before they turn into major problems.

Signs You Need A Furnace Replacement

1. Increased Heating Bills

Have you noticed your heating bills creeping up, even though you haven’t changed your thermostat settings? This could be a sign that your furnace is losing efficiency. Especially in our unpredictable Indianapolis winters, an efficient heating system is key to comfortable living without breaking the bank.

2. Frequent Repairs

If it feels like your furnace repair technician is becoming a regular guest at your home, it might be time to consider a replacement. Constant repairs can be a drain on your wallet and a sign that your furnace could be reaching the end of its useful life.

3. Inconsistent Heating

Does your living room feel toasty warm while your bedroom remains a chilly retreat? Uneven heating is a common sign of furnace trouble, indicating potential issues with your furnace’s blower or internal mechanics.

4. Strange Noises

A furnace that’s in good working order should be seen and not heard. If you start noticing odd sounds like grinding, banging, or squealing coming from your furnace, it’s a sign that something’s not right. Don’t ignore these noises—your furnace is trying to tell you something!

5. Age of Your Furnace

Most furnaces have a lifespan of about 15 to 20 years. If your furnace is getting up there in years, it might be more cost-effective in the long run to upgrade to a new, more energy-efficient model.

6. Yellow Burner Flame

A clear blue flame in your furnace’s burner is the sign of a healthy furnace. If you notice the flame has turned yellow, it could indicate the presence of carbon monoxide, a dangerous gas. This is a safety risk that needs immediate attention.

7. Excessive Dust and Soot

Noticing more dust than usual in your home? It could be a sign that your furnace is no longer filtering air as it should. Keeping your air clean is crucial, especially during the months when doors and windows are closed.

8. Carbon Monoxide Alarms

If your carbon monoxide detector goes off, take it seriously. This could be an indication that your furnace is malfunctioning and could be emitting harmful gases. Ensure your family’s safety by calling in the professionals.

9. Visible Signs of Rust or Corrosion

Physical signs of deterioration, such as rust or corrosion on your furnace or vent pipes, are not just cosmetic issues—they can indicate serious problems that may compromise the efficiency and safety of your heating system.

10. Constant Thermostat Adjustments

Find yourself constantly tweaking the thermostat to stay comfortable? This is a sign that your furnace isn’t doing its job correctly. A properly functioning furnace should maintain a comfortable temperature without constant adjustments.

Don’t wait for your furnace to fail in the heart of winter. Recognizing these signs early and addressing them promptly can help ensure your home stays warm and comfortable all season long. At Armor Air, we’re not just experts in HVAC; we’re dedicated to ensuring every Indianapolis home is snug and secure, no matter the weather outside.

Discover New Furnace Options with Armor Air in Central Indiana

If you’re noticing any of these signs, or if you just want peace of mind about your furnace’s condition, contact us today. Our friendly, experienced team is here to provide you with high-quality furnace installation and maintenance services. Remember, at Armor Air, we treat your home as if it were our own—because warmth and safety are what we cherish most..

We provide flexible financing options for your new high-efficiency furnace, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of a top-tier system without the initial financial burden. Rest assured, your HVAC system is in excellent hands with Armor Air!

Under our Shield Protection Plan, our skilled technicians conduct semi-annual maintenance to ensure your system operates efficiently, minimizing the likelihood of expensive repairs and keeping your home comfortable and secure for the future. Contact Armor Air, the trusted HVAC leaders in Indy, to schedule your service today and prioritize your comfort.

FAQ About Signs of Furnace Replacement in Indianapolis

What to check if your furnace goes out?

A: Every furnace has a simple power switch—just look for a regular wall switch near the unit and see if it’s flipped on or off. You’ll also want to check your circuit breaker or fuse box to make sure nothing got shut off.

When should I be concerned about my furnace?

A: If your furnace or boiler starts making weird noises like squeaking, banging, rattling, hissing, clicking, or popping, it’s time to pay attention. One noise you should never ignore is the constant running of your furnace blower fan. It’s a sign something’s up!

What is considered old for a furnace?

A: When the furnace reaches around 15 years of age.

What happens when a furnace gets old?

A: It can get dangerous over time. Years of chemical reactions between the combustion gases and the heat exchanger can cause corrosion.

What’s the best type of furnace for homes in Indianapolis?

A: Gas furnaces are a popular choice because they’re efficient and cost-effective, but the best option depends on your home’s layout and current system.